Theme and Scopes


Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Green Environment


We will examine the following core areas:

  1. Green Engineering and Sustainable Technologies
    • Green engineering concepts and principles.
    • Innovation in environmentally friendly technologies.
    • Sustainability strategies in industry and manufacturing.
  2. Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure
    • Sustainable construction materials (eco-friendly materials).
    • Smart city technology for green development.
    • Water and waste management for a sustainable environment.
    • Disaster-resistant building structures with a green approach.
  3. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
    • Solar, wind and other renewable energy systems.
    • Energy efficiency in electrical systems and power distribution.
    • Energy storage and smart grid technologies
    • Electric vehicles and sustainable transportation systems.
  4. Green Computing and Al for Sustainability
    • Algorithms and machine learning for energy efficiency.
    • Green cloud computing and green data centers.
    • IoT for resource monitoring and management.
    • Blockchain for environmental sustainability and transparency.
  5. Automation and Smart Manufacturing
    • Energy-efficient Industry 5.0-based design and manufacturing.
    • Robotics and automation for resource efficiency.
    • Environmentally friendly materials and production processes.
  6. Environmental Monitoring and Climate Change Mitigation
    • Smart sensors for environmental monitoring.
    • Climate change prediction with AI and big data
    • Technology for reducing carbon emissions and industrial pollution.
  7. Circular Economy and Waste Management
    • Recycling and waste-to-energy technologies
    • Utilizing industrial waste for sustainable products.
    • Circular economy in product engineering and design.
  8. Innovation in Education
    • Technology enhanced learning
    • Inclusive, equitable, flexible and personalized education systems.
    • Social emotional learning (SEL)
  9. Information Technology
  10. Electrical and Telecommunication
    • Optimization of communication systems, power systems, wireless technologies, and network infrastructure.
    • Sustainable communication of infrastructure.

Gedung Fakultas Teknik, Kampus Unesa Ketintang

Jl. Ketintang, Ketintang, Kec. Gayungan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60231

Contact Person

Elvira Wardah (+62812 6658 6639)

Ersha Aisyah Elfaiz (+62822 3319 7455)
