
Payment Method Virtual Account Number (VA) BTN : –
Payment through Bank BTN Teller Counters
- Can be done at all Bank BTN counters throughout Indonesia
- Fill out the Cash Deposit Form
- No extra charge/ free
- Payments are done during office operating hours: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m Western Indonesian Time (GMT+7)
Payment through ATM machines and Bank BTN m-banking
- Must have an account at Bank BTN
- For transactions via m-banking, you must have a mobile banking app in your smartphone
- Free of charge
- Realtime can be done 24 hours
Step by Step :
Sign in mobile banking user – Enter password – Login – Select the Payment (Pembayaran) menu – Choose a Virtual Account (VA) – Enter the VA Number – Enter the nominal to be paid – Enter Pins
Payment via Other Bank Accounts
- Can be done through other bank teller counters by filling out a transfer form to another bank and is subject to a transfer fee of IDR 2,900
- It can be done in other banks m-banking applications by using the transfer menu to other banks and is charged IDR 6,500
Gedung Fakultas Teknik, Kampus Unesa Ketintang
Jl. Ketintang, Ketintang, Kec. Gayungan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60231
Contact Person
Elvira Wardah (+62812 6658 6639)
Ersha Aisyah Elfaiz (+62822 3319 7455)